Building a brand takes more than just the external audience. For it to really resonate, it needs to be amplified by the team across an organisation.

‘Challenger’ messaging means differentiation and differentiation comes from a set of core, understandable messages. These need to be reiterated and understood by the internal team as much as any other audience.

Stakeholder service

Build, develop and confirm key messages with the senior team. The why, what and how? What do we stand for? After agreeing these with the founders/board or bottom up, the output will be written up in a key messaging document. This takes the form of a half day’s face to face with execs and shareholders.

This can then be presented to the wider sales, marketing, HR and customer service teams. The why, what and how? What do we stand for? And what does it mean to you? 


Using the messaging developed, the session moves onto exploring a speech for the CEO and/or equivalent spokesperson. How can these messages be written into a narrative? What are effective ways of telling the story and communicating this to an audience? 

Delving into these questions, the output will involve exploring different speech devices, contexts and audiences and creating key speech sound bites. 

If desired, the CEO or spokespeople can build on this output to take part in a further session on speech delivery. We have a trained in-house actor who can work with you on your specific speech needs.


  • Key messaging document
  • Presentation/deck
  • Speechwriting document 

If you need to raise profile, want to become a thought leader, get ready for an upcoming event, or create large scale campaigns, contact us here or use the contact form below.

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